As experts in their respective fields, our tutors work with students
in virtually every high school subject at every level.
Personalized Programs
Tailored To Your Schedule and Goals
Reach Your
Highest Learning Potential In
Every Subject
Expert Educators With Over 20
Years Of
Open Doors To Best-Fit Colleges And Merit Scholarships

Anna Dombrovskaya,
“When we met Tim Tibbitts last spring, my son was absolutely sure that he was UNABLE to perform in math class, just because of his nature. After a few lessons with Tim, the grade has changed, and also his attitude. My son started enjoying math class and finally believed in himself.”

Michele S.,
Hawken Parent
“The Whole Kid was able to provide my daughter with a physics tutor, who was so much more than just a tutor. She was a female physicist and was really able to teach in addition to being a brilliant role model. I would highly recommend The Whole Kid to anyone who wants to improve test scores, essays and overall classroom performance!”

St. Edward’s Parent,
Avon Lake
“Your ability to triage our son’s specific needs was a very important first step. We could have picked a tutor on our own without professional assistance, and it would have been hit or miss. You based your selection of a tutor on our son’s specific needs, and in a short period of time, his reading comprehension skills improved significantly.”